In our blog, our doctors take a closer look at common foot and ankle conditions to help patients choose the most effective treatments. Learn about the effects of untreated sports injuries, bunions, foot deformities, and diabetic foot injuries, as well as how to relieve both the pain and underlying condition.
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How to Prevent and Treat an Ingrown ToenailProper nail trimming can prevent an ingrown toenail, but only in-office care can treat one once it develops. Call the podiatrists in Medford OR, 541-776-3338
Here’s What You Need to Know About Big Toe Joint FusionIf you have late stage arthritis of the foot, a big toe joint fusion can relieve pain and preserve mobility. Call 541-776-3338 for a consult in Medford OR
Foot Arthritis and Ankle Arthritis: Causes and Treatment OptionsWith early care, we can treat foot arthritis and ankle arthritis to prevent progression. Call Medford OR podiatrists 541-776-3338 for foot join pain help
Flat Foot Pain: Causes and Pathways to ReliefIn our Medford OR podiatry practice, we can manage your flat foot pain with custom orthotic devices, offering relief without surgery. Call 541-776-3338 for info
Orthotics vs Insoles: Finding the Right Fit for Your FeetWhen choosing between orthotics vs insoles, the former can correct biomechanical challenges and prevent injury. Insoles just make bad shoes more comfortable
Why Non Surgical Bunion Treatment Doesn’t Work—and What Does!Non surgical bunion treatment options can reduce pain, but won't get rid of that bump. Ask us about Lapiplasty in Medford OR for lasting bunion relief.
What is Lapiplasty?What is Lapiplasty? This patented bunion correction is less invasive than other surgeries, Call our Medford OR podiatry practice for info, 541-776-3338
Answering Your Questions About Custom OrthoticsOur Oregon podiatrists take the confusion out of custom orthotics, explaining how they work and answering common questions about shoe inserts and insoles.
What Can You Do to Prevent a Bunion?Can you prevent a bunion, or keep an existing one from becoming worse? The experts at Southern Oregon Foot & Ankle have some advice.
The Facts on Lapiplasty Bunion Correction SurgerySouthern Oregon Foot & Ankle performs expert bunion correction via surgical methods, including the Lapiplasty bunion procedure.
Kids’ Feet [and 5 Tips to Care for Them]Easy tips for keeping your kids’ feet healthy, courtesy of the experts at Southern Oregon Foot & Ankle.
Choosing the Right Shoes for Plantar Fasciitis Relief and PreventionShoe choices can have a big impact on plantar fasciitis and other causes of heel pain. Southern Oregon Foot & Ankle has some advice for footwear selection.