Have you been watching a bony bump on your foot grow larger, wondering when to book bunion surgery? Well, we’re here to tell you that now is the time to take action. And here’s why. 

Once a bunion forms, the only way to get rid of it, restoring your foot’s smooth profile, is with a surgical procedure. Now, we know that the word “surgery” inspires fear in many of our patients. But it doesn’t have to. You see, Dr. Evan Merril and Dr. Devin Dimond, the foot surgeons at Southern Oregon Foot & Ankle are trained to perform Lapiplasty.® And, when you book this innovative procedure, you will undergo a treatment that not only removes your bunion, it also addresses the root cause of their formation, all with a less invasive approach. The result? A dramatically reduced recovery period. And much lower odds that the bunion will ever come back.  

So, with a shorter recovery period, when should you book bunion surgery? Why not take advantage of your summer vacation and book your procedure now. That way, you can prop your feet up on a lounger, enjoying some fresh air and sunshine while you prepare to get back on your feet! 

Scheduling Lapiplasty During the Summer Months bare feet on a sandy beach

While we help you decide when to book bunion surgery, we do need to clarify a few things. First, while surgery is the only way to remove existing bunions, it’s not your only treatment option. In fact, if you seek intervention when the bump on your foot is still small, we should be able to manage your discomfort and prevent further development with non-invasive options. 

First, we can begin by padding your bunion carefully. That way, it won’t rub against the edges of your shoes, which can leave you experiencing pain and pressure. We can also help you choose shoes that will better accommodate a bunion. And, to address the pressure and bone rotation that caused the initial bunion development, we can also fit you for custom orthotics

However, as we mentioned earlier, these methods won’t smooth out an existing bony bump on your foot. Instead, they can only manage discomfort and prevent further bunion growth. So, if you want to strut into fall and winter comfortably rocking the season’s hottest boot styles, summer’s your time to come in for a Lapiplasty consultation. But why do we tell patients to explore this surgical procedure instead of the traditional bunionectomy? Here’s what you need to know.  

Lapiplasty vs Bunionectomy: Making an Informed Decision 

In the past, bunionectomy surgery was the standard of care for most patients with bunions. But the surgery wasn’t a perfect solution to the problem. After all, since pressure causes bunions to form, and since bunionectomies don’t address that pressure, patients still had to wear custom orthotics following their surgery and recovery period. Otherwise, those bunions were likely to form once again. 

Thankfully, surgical techniques and tools have come a long way since the first bunionectomy was performed. So, today, podiatrists who undergo advanced training can perform a Lapiplasty procedure, providing a multi-dimensional solution to troublesome bunions. 
How does it work? First, the surgical approach puts an end to the metatarsal bone’s inward shift. But it doesn’t stop there, because Lapiplasty also keeps the bone from arching upward and rotating. In other words, the 3D surgery corrects every aspect of your bunion, the deformity is very unlikely to return after your recovery period. 

About that recovery period—it’s going to be a lot easier if you choose Lapiplasty vs bunionectomy surgery.  And that’s because the surgery is performed with patented, precision tools that allow us to make smaller and fewer foot incisions, without affecting the accuracy of your procedure. The result? You experience less post-procedural pain, and less down time after Lapiplasty. In fact, we could have you on your feet (while in a walking boot) in just a few days, ready to return to support footwear in about two months. 

Still wondering when to book bunion surgery?  If you start the process today, you could be back in your favorite running shoes by fall. So let’s get you started right now! 

Scheduling Lapiplasty Bunion Correction in Medford, OR

In our podiatry practice, serving Southern Oregon and Northern California, we perform Lapiplasty as an outpatient procedure. As a result, the entire surgery takes about an hour, although we’ll keep you for observation following your procedure. Even so, most of our patients are able to go home on the same day as their surgery, making it a lot easier to fit your treatment into a busy summer schedule.  

Of course, you’ll still need to stay off your foot for a few days after the surgery, following our careful instructions designed to help prevent scar tissue from forming. Also during this period, you’ll want to regularly ice your foot for a few days after surgery. This will address any swelling or pain you experience after the procedure. And, when you book bunion surgery in summer, that ice on your foot could be just the cool-down you need to beat the outdoor heat! 

Ready to say goodbye to bunions for good, so you can spend next summer showing off your feet in all your favorite sandals? Reach out to our office and request a surgical consultation today. Since the procedure is highly in demand, we book our surgeries well in advance. So, if you want to book bunion surgery in summer, and have your recovery period coincide with your seasonal down-time, the time to book bunion surgery is now. 

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