Now that March Madness is in full swing, people are stepping up their own basketball games. And while that’s a great form of exercise, it can also increase your risk for basketball foot injuries. Want to prevent foot pain after playing basketball, and protect yourself from injuries? Just follow these guidelines from our podiatrists in Medford, OR.
Why do your feet hurt after playing basketball? ![boy playing basketball]()
If you experience foot pain after a basketball game, many different problems could be to blame. First, we’ll have to look at your shoes. If you aren’t wearing high-top sneakers, you could experience ankle pain when making quick directional changes, due to the lack of support. You also need to wear shoes with plenty of padding. Otherwise, when you jump up for the ball and come down hard, you could develop basketball foot injuries from the impact of that landing. Finally, you need to choose sneakers with plenty of tread on the soles, to keep you from slipping on the court. Otherwise, your feet—and the rest of you—could hurt after playing basketball and falling down in the middle of the action.
Even with the perfect pair of shoes for your sport, you could still develop foot pain. And that’s because, if you have high arches or flat feet, you may need additional support to prevent foot pain and injuries. So, if you regularly experience foot pain after basketball, we may suggest fitting you for custom orthotics. In addition to providing support exactly where your feet need it most, these customized insoles will optimize your foot function. In turn, you may even experience improved athletic performance!
Is it normal for your feet to hurt after playing basketball?
Here’s the deal: foot pain is never normal, whether it comes after a basketball game or just pops up throughout your day. As such, any time you experience pain in your feet and ankles, that means something has gone wrong. It could just be a sign that you need to switch up your basketball shoes or add more support to your footwear. But that pain could also be a sign of one or more basketball foot injuries. And that’s why it’s important to come see Dr. Evan Merrill, Dr. Devin Dimond or Dr. Chase Christensen in our Medford, OR podiatry practice. We can screen you for some of the most common sports injuries, including:
Plantar Fasciitis
Because the game involves plenty of repetitive motion, heel and arch pain due to plantar fasciitis is one of the more common basketball foot injuries. Over time, the force of your running and jumping can put undue stress on the plantar fascia. (That’s the band of connective tissue running along the bottom of the foot, from the heel to the toes.) The inflammation leads to pain; at first, it’s intermittent, and at its worst when you first get out of bed in the morning. But, with time, that pain will become chronic, unless you seek treatment.
Achilles Tendon Pain
Another common overuse injury linked to basketball is Achilles tendonitis; symptoms include pain in the back of your leg or at the back of your heel. As with plantar fasciitis, pain will worsen and become chronic if you don’t seek medical intervention. But you could also experience a tendon rupture if you keep playing through this basketball foot injury, so it’s important to seek treatment as soon as you notice any symptoms of tendonitis.
Morton’s Neuromas
When you jump up and down a lot, as you do in a basketball game, that can lead to stress—and inflammation—in your nerves. Overtime, that inflammation can cause an enlargement in the nerve between your third and fourth toes, a painful condition known as Morton’s neuroma. Symptoms include pain in the ball of your foot; tingling or numbness; and feeling like there’s a rock stuck inside your shoe.
Sprains or Fractures
Because it’s a high impact sport, fractures and sprains are common basketball foot injuries. Symptoms of both injuries may overlap; they can include pain, swelling, tenderness to the touch, bruising and difficulty bearing weight. And, because of this overlap, the best way to differentiate between the injuries to come into our office for a diagnostic x-ray.
Should you ice your feet after basketball?
Icing your feet after a possible basketball foot injury could reduce your pain and swelling while you wait for medical attention. If your injury is minor, the pain could improve in a day or two with icing and rest. But any foot pain after basketball that lingers past that point is a sign that you need to seek medical attention in order to ensure proper healing and prevent further complications.
Treating Basketball Foot Injuries in Southern Oregon
While basketball can take a toll on your foot health, we don’t want you to worry that basketball is bad for your feet. After all, if you take care when choosing your foot gear; add the support of orthotics when needed; and rest at the first sign of discomfort; we can help you avoid most basketball foot injuries. But, if you do sustain an injury, we’re here to help. So, if something feels off while you’re playing, or if you experience foot pain after basketball, stop your athletic activities and call us right away at 541-776-3338. (You can also use this online form to contact us and request an appointment.) When you come into the office, we’ll determine what’s causing your pain and get you back in the game as quickly and safely as possible!